Welcome to the Falcon Times!

  • Answer the Poll!

    Every time a new paper is published, we get answers from the community to a question. YOU have a chance to get featured in the poll column of the paper by submitting your answer!

  • Ask for Advice!

    We all need some advice from time to time. If you’re looking to get some answers, ask us in the link below! Your question, along with our answer, will be featured in the advice column.

  • Enter a Contest!

    Every paper, we hold a creative contest, with the winner having a chance to be featured on the paper! Oh yeah, and there’s also a prize; just in case you weren’t convinced. ;)

About Us

We’re the Falcon Times Newsletter club, a team of students united by their common interest in journalism. Our goal is to create a fun-filled, interactive, and informative newsletter for the students of CFIS!

Chief Editors: Jessie Fortune & Stephanie Gutierrez

Website Creator: Lauren Ho

Past Presidents and Co. Pres:

Lauren Ho (2021-2022)

Jessie F. (2023) Stephanie G.O (2023-2024

Gavin G. (2024) and Katin N. (2024-2025)

  • Check out our published papers.

  • Got a question? Before you email us, see if it was already answered on our FAQ page.

  • Email us at cfisfalcontimes@gmail.com or check out our contact page.